You are a responsible policyholder and you pay your insurance premiums on time. In return, you expect fair treatment when you file a legitimate claim with your insurance company. Unfortunately, insurance companies want to make a profit, and they may resort to bad faith practices to avoid paying you what you deserve.
It can be difficult to determine if your insurance company has acted in bad faith. That’s why it’s essential to seek guidance from the experienced attorneys at LSTT. Our lawyers will examine your unique situation and discuss your case for free. It is important to act quickly when dealing with potential insurance bad faith.
Potential signs of insurance bad faith include:
- Refusing to pay a valid claim: Your insurance company may try to deny your legitimate claim. It needs to provide an explanation for claim denials and cite the relevant provisions in your policy. If your insurer denies a valid claim, it will likely have a hard time proving why.
- Offering far less than what your claim is worth: While you will likely engage in negation with your claims adjuster, they cannot grossly understate the value of your claim or offer to pay you far less than what your claim is worth.
- Causing unreasonable delays: Insurance companies are required to act in a timely manner. Insurers may try to take advantage of you by unjustly delaying an investigation, decision, or payment.
Engaging in deceptive practices: Some insurance companies have many deceptive practices up their sleeves to boost their profits. Examples of this include changing your contract without notifying you or requesting burdensome documentation not required by your policy.
An insurance policy is a type of contract that requires your insurer to handle your claim in an honest and fair manner. When an insurance company mishandles a claim, it often places an unjust financial burden on the policyholder. If your claims adjuster or insurance company failed in their duty to investigate, negotiate, or settle your claim in good faith, then they may be liable for their actions.
Dealing with Insurance Bad Faith Tactics
Insurance bad faith case handled by Lewis Kuhn Swan PCWhen dealing with an insurance company, it is important to keep a record of all of your communications with your adjuster. Keep any letters from the insurance company in one place. Make a note of any potential instances of bad faith practices and when they occurred.
Insurance law can be complex and it varies across states. Our attorneys have a great deal of experience navigating the applicable laws in Colorado. We know how to stand up to large insurance companies, and we will fiercely advocate for you and your best interests.
Schedule Your Free Insurance Bad Faith Evaluation
We know how to deal with unscrupulous insurance companies. If you suspect that you are a victim of insurance bad faith, call (719) 689-8767 today to schedule your complimentary case evaluation. If we take your insurance bad faith case, our dedicated lawyers will fight tirelessly for the compensation that you deserve.
At LSTT, we proudly serve Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Castle Rock, and nearby areas of Colorado.